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Isa Bin Haron - Project Portfolio Page


GULIO is a CLI-based module planner designed for efficiency when used by someone that can type fast. It is meant for NUS SoC students and capable of storing lessons and tasks for individual modules, as well as lesson notes via cheat-sheets.

Summary of Contributions

Click here to view code contribution.

Enhancements Implemented:

  1. Implemented Commands used within the Dashboard.
  2. Implemented enum class, DashboardCommands and ModuleCommands to allow easier adding of new commands.
  3. General code cleanup
  4. Organized Parser class
  5. Added exceptions and standardized printing of error messages

Contributions to Documentation:

  1. Documented dashboard commands

Contributions to Developer Guide:

  1. Drafted & finalized content for the Architecture section
  2. Drafted & finalized content for Command component
  3. Drafted some content for Module component, subsequently finalized descriptions for the Module component
  4. Sequence diagram for main loop
  5. Class diagram for Command component

Contribution to Team-Based Tasks:

  1. Created milestones
  2. Created initial labels
  3. Fix CI before first PR
  4. General code enhancements

Review/mentoring contributions

  1. Full list of PRs approved or commented on by me can be found here.

  2. Examples of review where I communicated with my teammates on Github:

    1. Review on Ivan’s PR and suggested improvements
    2. Review on Alicia’s PR and requested changes
    3. Review on Hemrish’s PR and requested changes

Contributions beyond the project team

  1. Reviewed Developer Guide of other team’s project
  2. Reported various bugs for other team’s product during PE dry-run